Thursday, December 04, 2008
Ortonville,Michigan: $300,000 Michigan lotto winner
Edward Zoldos of Ortonville is the lucky winner of a $300,000 top prize on the Super Red Hot Cashword Instant ticket. Zoldos called his wife immediately after he scratched off six red words and won the top prize.
Powerball lottery info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Powerball lottery
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
Note: Powerballs not included here
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B12 39 11/15/08
2 B40 39 11/08/08
3 B13 38 11/19/08
4 B43 38 10/01/08
5 B48 38 10/25/08
6 B02 37 11/08/08
7 B19 37 11/22/08
8 B26 37 11/26/08
9 B30 37 10/29/08
10 B08 36 11/19/08
11 B55 36 12/03/08
12 B42 35 07/16/08
13 B54 35 10/08/08
14 B14 34 10/25/08
15 B16 34 12/03/08
16 B24 34 09/27/08
17 B47 34 10/11/08
18 B35 33 08/20/08
19 B38 33 11/19/08
20 B49 33 10/18/08
21 B21 32 12/03/08
22 B23 32 09/17/08
23 B32 32 11/22/08
24 B03 31 11/15/08
25 B07 31 11/15/08
26 B15 31 09/10/08
27 B36 31 11/29/08
28 B37 31 10/29/08
29 B45 31 11/22/08
30 B50 31 10/29/08
31 B28 30 09/20/08
32 B34 30 11/26/08
33 B52 30 11/26/08
34 B10 29 10/22/08
35 B18 29 11/12/08
36 B20 29 10/29/08
37 B22 29 07/12/08
38 B31 29 11/26/08
39 B39 29 11/29/08
40 B53 29 09/10/08
41 B17 28 12/03/08
42 B01 27 11/12/08
43 B05 27 11/29/08
44 B09 27 10/01/08
45 B41 27 11/01/08
46 B51 27 10/22/08
47 B04 26 11/08/08
48 B11 26 11/26/08
49 B25 26 12/03/08
50 B27 26 04/26/08
51 B46 25 09/03/08
52 B29 24 11/12/08
53 B33 23 11/29/08
54 B44 22 11/15/08
55 B06 21 11/01/08
= end of pop report =
see more Powerball Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Powerball Lotto more Powerball lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the MegaMillions lotto
report for Powerball lotto prepared on 12/4/2008
long overdue Powerball lotto numbers
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
Powerball Lotto
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
04/26/08 B27 50
07/12/08 B22 37
07/16/08 B42 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
08/20/08 B35 18
09/03/08 B46 51
09/10/08 B15 26
09/10/08 B53 40
09/17/08 B23 22
09/20/08 B28 31
09/27/08 B24 16
10/01/08 B09 44
10/01/08 B43 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/08/08 B54 13
10/11/08 B47 17
10/18/08 B49 20
10/22/08 B10 34
10/22/08 B51 46
10/25/08 B14 14
10/25/08 B48 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/29/08 B20 36
10/29/08 B30 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/29/08 B37 28
10/29/08 B50 30
11/01/08 B06 55
11/01/08 B41 45
11/08/08 B02 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/08/08 B04 47
11/08/08 B40 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/12/08 B01 42
11/12/08 B18 35
11/12/08 B29 52
11/15/08 B03 24
11/15/08 B07 25
11/15/08 B12 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/15/08 B44 54
11/19/08 B08 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/19/08 B13 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/19/08 B38 19
11/22/08 B19 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/22/08 B32 23
11/22/08 B45 29
11/26/08 B11 48
11/26/08 B26 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/26/08 B31 38
11/26/08 B34 32
11/26/08 B52 33
11/29/08 B05 43
11/29/08 B33 53
11/29/08 B36 27
11/29/08 B39 39
12/03/08 B16 15
12/03/08 B17 41
12/03/08 B21 21
12/03/08 B25 49
12/03/08 B55 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
************end of long overdue list *************
Powerball long overdue lottery numbers report
as of 12/03/08 prepared on 12/4/2008
looking at the last 341 lotteries
see more lottery reporting and stats at more Powerball lotto reports
Florida Lotto fyi
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Florida Lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B22 33 11/22/08
2 B04 29 11/26/08
3 B06 29 11/19/08
4 B23 29 10/01/08
5 B38 29 11/19/08
6 B41 29 11/08/08
7 B19 28 11/26/08
8 B20 28 11/12/08
9 B27 28 12/03/08
10 B42 27 12/03/08
11 B46 27 11/19/08
12 B28 26 11/22/08
13 B29 26 11/26/08
14 B33 26 12/03/08
15 B44 26 11/26/08
16 B53 26 11/12/08
17 B12 25 11/29/08
18 B26 25 11/15/08
19 B37 25 10/08/08
20 B45 25 11/22/08
21 B47 25 11/01/08
22 B07 24 11/12/08
23 B10 24 11/19/08
24 B36 24 12/03/08
25 B49 24 11/26/08
26 B51 24 11/05/08
27 B01 23 11/19/08
28 B08 23 11/08/08
29 B14 23 10/25/08
30 B09 22 09/03/08
31 B11 22 11/12/08
32 B13 22 11/05/08
33 B32 21 11/26/08
34 B48 21 09/27/08
35 B50 21 11/22/08
36 B18 20 12/03/08
37 B24 20 11/29/08
38 B25 20 10/11/08
39 B34 20 12/03/08
40 B17 19 11/22/08
41 B31 19 10/18/08
42 B52 19 09/13/08
43 B03 18 11/29/08
44 B05 18 11/08/08
45 B02 17 10/04/08
46 B15 17 10/29/08
47 B16 17 11/22/08
48 B39 17 11/15/08
49 B40 17 10/01/08
50 B30 16 11/12/08
51 B21 15 11/08/08
52 B35 15 10/11/08
53 B43 13 11/29/08
= end of pop report =
see more Florida Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in your next Florida Lotto
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including Powerball lotto
report for the Florida Lotto prepared on 12/4/2008
12/4/08 POWERBALL rolls over to $30 millions
12/4/08 POWERBALL rolls over to $30 millions
2 winning tickets hit 5 of 5 white balls for that $200K cash prize.
sold in Missouri and New Mexico,Powerball players bought $15.8 million
in Powerball and PowerPlay between lotteries.
Florida Lotto promotions in December
Florida Lotto promotions in December
on 12/6 and 12/7 Market Days in Tallahassee
Market Days, one of the largest and finest arts and crafts shows in the Southeast,
will take place at the North Florida Fairgrounds in Tallahassee.
An on-site Florida Lottery ticket sales booth.
for 12/13/2008 Winterfest Boat Parade
Fort Lauderdale, Fl
The 37th Annual Boat Parade will begin in downtown Fort Lauderdale
and continues north to Lake Santa Barbara in Pompano Beach.
This year’s parade theme is Rockin’ the Night
A on-site Florida Lottery ticket sales booth will be at this event.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
long overdue UK Thunderball lottery numbers
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
UK Thunderball Lottery
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
09/20/08 B27 26
09/27/08 B24 21
10/08/08 B34 27
10/15/08 B22 34
10/18/08 B01 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/22/08 B29 14
10/25/08 B20 22
10/25/08 B26 18
10/29/08 B03 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/29/08 B21 17
11/01/08 B04 31
11/08/08 B05 24
11/15/08 B11 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/15/08 B25 25
11/15/08 B31 15
11/19/08 B02 19
11/19/08 B10 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/19/08 B16 29
11/19/08 B17 33
11/22/08 B07 13
11/22/08 B32 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/26/08 B06 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/26/08 B15 32
11/26/08 B30 23
11/29/08 B08 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/29/08 B14 16
11/29/08 B18 30
11/29/08 B19 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/29/08 B28 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/03/08 B09 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/03/08 B12 28
12/03/08 B13 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/03/08 B23 20
12/03/08 B33 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
************end of long overdue list *************
UK Thunderball Lotto long overdue numbers report
as of 12/03/08 prepared on 12/3/2008
looking at the last 201 lotteries
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the UK 6 national lotto game
hottest/coldest lotto numbers UK 6
UK 6 national lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B12 32 12/03/08
2 B24 32 11/08/08
3 B39 32 11/29/08
4 B35 31 11/29/08
5 B11 30 11/05/08
6 B13 30 11/26/08
7 B03 29 11/26/08
8 B30 29 11/15/08
9 B49 29 11/26/08
10 B09 28 10/08/08
11 B15 28 11/08/08
12 B22 28 09/20/08
13 B04 27 12/03/08
14 B06 27 11/26/08
15 B34 27 12/03/08
16 B38 27 11/22/08
17 B40 27 10/22/08
18 B23 26 11/26/08
19 B25 26 11/01/08
20 B27 26 11/26/08
21 B33 26 11/19/08
22 B02 25 11/05/08
23 B18 25 11/19/08
24 B01 24 11/12/08
25 B29 24 10/22/08
26 B41 24 11/15/08
27 B42 24 10/08/08
28 B10 23 11/29/08
29 B14 23 11/15/08
30 B17 23 11/15/08
31 B28 23 10/11/08
32 B31 23 11/19/08
33 B32 23 10/04/08
34 B43 23 11/29/08
35 B44 23 12/03/08
36 B46 23 10/25/08
37 B08 22 10/15/08
38 B21 22 12/03/08
39 B26 21 11/08/08
40 B47 21 11/29/08
41 B48 21 11/22/08
42 B05 20 11/19/08
43 B16 20 09/10/08
44 B19 19 12/03/08
45 B20 19 11/12/08
46 B07 18 11/19/08
47 B36 18 09/06/08
48 B45 18 11/12/08
49 B37 17 11/15/08
= end of pop report =
see more UK Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next UK 6 National lotto more UK national lotto reports
see more lottery info, reporting and stats at
report for UK 6 National Lotto prepared on 12/3/2008
long overdue UK 6 lottery numbers last 201 lotteries
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
UK 6 National Lottery
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
09/06/08 B36 47
09/10/08 B16 43
09/20/08 B22 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/04/08 B32 33
10/08/08 B09 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/08/08 B42 27
10/11/08 B28 31
10/15/08 B08 37
10/22/08 B29 25
10/22/08 B40 17
10/25/08 B46 36
11/01/08 B25 19
11/05/08 B02 22
11/05/08 B11 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/08/08 B15 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/08/08 B24 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/08/08 B26 39
11/12/08 B01 24
11/12/08 B20 45
11/12/08 B45 48
11/15/08 B14 29
11/15/08 B17 30
11/15/08 B30 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/15/08 B37 49
11/15/08 B41 26
11/19/08 B05 42
11/19/08 B07 46
11/19/08 B18 23
11/19/08 B31 32
11/19/08 B33 21
11/22/08 B38 16
11/22/08 B48 41
11/26/08 B03 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/26/08 B06 14
11/26/08 B13 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/26/08 B23 18
11/26/08 B27 20
11/26/08 B49 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/29/08 B10 28
11/29/08 B35 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/29/08 B39 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/29/08 B43 34
11/29/08 B47 40
12/03/08 B04 13
12/03/08 B12 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/03/08 B19 44
12/03/08 B21 38
12/03/08 B34 15
12/03/08 B44 35
************end of long overdue list *************
UK 6 Lottery long overdue numbers report
as of 12/03/08 prepared on 12/3/2008
looking at the last 201 lotteries
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the UK Thunderball lotto game
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Colorado Powerball winners for November 2008
List of recent Colorado Powerball winners for November 2008
Sebastian Schmitz $10,021 of PUEBLO, CO
Russell Johnson $40,000 of CANON CITY
Tyler Tonso $20,200 of HIGHLANDS RANCH
Kenneth Seay $20,000 FORT COLLINS
Mark Scott $40,012 of CASTLE ROCK
Kevin Keberlein $40,000 GREELEY, CO
see more Colorado Powerball lotto info at
see more Colorado lotto info
list of hottest /coldest Ohio Classic lotto numbers
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Ohio Classic Lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B19 24 11/05/08
2 B25 23 12/01/08
3 B37 23 11/19/08
4 B07 22 11/26/08
5 B11 22 11/17/08
6 B03 21 11/22/08
7 B33 21 11/26/08
8 B38 21 12/01/08
9 B39 21 11/29/08
10 B44 21 10/15/08
11 B46 21 12/01/08
12 B02 20 10/20/08
13 B06 20 11/12/08
14 B15 20 11/12/08
15 B22 20 11/05/08
16 B27 20 11/24/08
17 B30 20 09/29/08
18 B10 19 12/01/08
19 B13 19 11/29/08
20 B16 19 11/26/08
21 B17 18 12/01/08
22 B29 18 11/10/08
23 B35 18 11/19/08
24 B41 18 11/17/08
25 B43 18 11/22/08
26 B48 18 10/15/08
27 B05 17 11/24/08
28 B24 17 11/01/08
29 B26 17 11/10/08
30 B36 17 11/29/08
31 B40 17 11/19/08
32 B09 16 11/24/08
33 B20 16 11/26/08
34 B21 16 11/12/08
35 B42 16 11/29/08
36 B49 16 11/22/08
37 B04 15 11/01/08
38 B31 15 11/29/08
39 B32 15 11/08/08
40 B34 15 11/26/08
41 B45 15 11/12/08
42 B14 14 11/08/08
43 B12 13 11/15/08
44 B18 13 11/24/08
45 B47 13 12/01/08
46 B23 12 10/29/08
47 B28 12 10/27/08
48 B01 11 11/26/08
49 B08 11 10/08/08
= end of pop report =
see more Ohio Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Ohio Classic lotto more Ohio lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Mega Millions lotto
report for Ohio Classic Lotto prepared on 12/1/2008
James Smith wins $1,500 cash from the OK Hot Lotto
James Smith wins $1,500 cash from the OK Hot Lotto
James Smith of Elk City,OK. won $1,500 playing Hot Lotto this November
Spivey’s at 2000 W. 7th St. in Elk City sold this winning lotto ticket.
Smith was surprised to win since this was only the second time he had played Hot Lotto.
hottest/coldest lotto NJ lotto numbers
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
New Jersey Pick 6 lottery
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B02 35 10/13/08
2 B44 34 12/01/08
3 B48 32 11/27/08
4 B33 31 11/20/08
5 B38 31 10/16/08
6 B03 30 11/24/08
7 B05 30 09/22/08
8 B23 30 11/13/08
9 B29 30 11/27/08
10 B37 29 11/03/08
11 B08 28 10/27/08
12 B13 28 10/20/08
13 B30 28 11/24/08
14 B35 28 10/13/08
15 B11 27 11/27/08
16 B07 26 10/30/08
17 B10 26 11/27/08
18 B14 26 12/01/08
19 B21 26 11/20/08
20 B24 26 09/01/08
21 B25 26 11/24/08
22 B28 26 10/30/08
23 B43 26 11/17/08
24 B18 25 10/09/08
25 B32 25 10/13/08
26 B46 25 11/13/08
27 B09 24 11/06/08
28 B12 24 12/01/08
29 B20 24 11/20/08
30 B01 23 11/17/08
31 B04 23 11/17/08
32 B06 23 09/18/08
33 B16 23 12/01/08
34 B17 23 12/01/08
35 B34 23 09/18/08
36 B47 23 11/03/08
37 B15 21 11/27/08
38 B40 21 08/18/08
39 B26 19 09/08/08
40 B31 19 10/13/08
41 B36 19 09/25/08
42 B39 19 10/09/08
43 B42 19 11/13/08
44 B22 18 12/01/08
45 B27 18 11/24/08
46 B49 18 04/10/08
47 B45 17 11/24/08
48 B41 16 11/17/08
49 B19 15 11/20/08
= end of pop report =
see more New Jersey Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next New Jersey Pick 6 Lotto more New Jersey lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including New Jersey Mega Millions lotto
report for New Jersey Pick lotto prepared on 12/1/2008
long overdue Ohio Classic lotto numbers
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
Ohio Classic Lotto
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
09/29/08 B30 17
10/08/08 B08 49
10/15/08 B44 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/15/08 B48 26
10/20/08 B02 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/27/08 B28 47
10/29/08 B23 46
11/01/08 B04 37
11/01/08 B24 28
11/05/08 B19 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/05/08 B22 15
11/08/08 B14 42
11/08/08 B32 39
11/10/08 B26 29
11/10/08 B29 22
11/12/08 B06 13
11/12/08 B15 14
11/12/08 B21 34
11/12/08 B45 41
11/15/08 B12 43
11/17/08 B11 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/17/08 B41 24
11/19/08 B35 23
11/19/08 B37 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/19/08 B40 31
11/22/08 B03 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/22/08 B43 25
11/22/08 B49 36
11/24/08 B05 27
11/24/08 B09 32
11/24/08 B18 44
11/24/08 B27 16
11/26/08 B01 48
11/26/08 B07 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/26/08 B16 20
11/26/08 B20 33
11/26/08 B33 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/26/08 B34 40
11/29/08 B13 19
11/29/08 B31 38
11/29/08 B36 30
11/29/08 B39 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/29/08 B42 35
12/01/08 B10 18
12/01/08 B17 21
12/01/08 B25 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/01/08 B38 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/01/08 B46 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/01/08 B47 45
************end of long overdue list *************
Ohio Lotto long overdue lottery numbers report
as of 12/01/08 prepared on 12/1/2008
looking at the last 144 lotteries
see more Ohio lottery reporting and stats at
including the Ohio Mega Millions lotto more Ohio lotto info and reports
Monday, December 01, 2008
overdue New Jersey Pick 6 lotto numbers
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
New Jersey Pick 6 Lotto
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
04/10/08 B49 46
08/18/08 B40 38
09/01/08 B24 20
09/08/08 B26 39
09/18/08 B06 32
09/18/08 B34 35
09/22/08 B05 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/25/08 B36 41
10/09/08 B18 24
10/09/08 B39 42
10/13/08 B02 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/13/08 B31 40
10/13/08 B32 25
10/13/08 B35 14
10/16/08 B38 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/20/08 B13 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/27/08 B08 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/30/08 B07 16
10/30/08 B28 22
11/03/08 B37 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/03/08 B47 36
11/06/08 B09 27
11/13/08 B23 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/13/08 B42 43
11/13/08 B46 26
11/17/08 B01 30
11/17/08 B04 31
11/17/08 B41 48
11/17/08 B43 23
11/20/08 B19 49
11/20/08 B20 29
11/20/08 B21 19
11/20/08 B33 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/24/08 B03 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/24/08 B25 21
11/24/08 B27 45
11/24/08 B30 13
11/24/08 B45 47
11/27/08 B10 17
11/27/08 B11 15
11/27/08 B15 37
11/27/08 B29 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/27/08 B48 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
12/01/08 B12 28
12/01/08 B14 18
12/01/08 B16 33
12/01/08 B17 34
12/01/08 B22 44
12/01/08 B44 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
************end of long overdue list *************
New Jersey Pick 6 Lotto long overdue lottery numbers report
as of 12/01/08 prepared on 12/1/2008
looking at the last 201 lotteries
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the New Jersey Mega Millions lotto
New Jersey Pick 6 lotto info and reports
Pennsylvania Match 6 lotto numbers for the last 201 lotteries
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
Pennsylvania Match 6 Lotto
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
09/19/08 B03 14
09/19/08 B34 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/23/08 B33 35
09/30/08 B37 23
09/30/08 B49 48
10/07/08 B02 25
10/17/08 B05 38
10/21/08 B17 26
10/21/08 B31 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/21/08 B39 40
10/24/08 B13 29
10/24/08 B27 31
10/31/08 B14 21
10/31/08 B15 47
10/31/08 B45 24
11/04/08 B07 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/04/08 B24 30
11/04/08 B46 46
11/07/08 B22 39
11/07/08 B38 19
11/07/08 B42 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/11/08 B08 34
11/11/08 B11 28
11/11/08 B18 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/14/08 B16 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/14/08 B32 17
11/14/08 B35 18
11/18/08 B20 42
11/18/08 B23 44
11/18/08 B29 32
11/18/08 B43 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/18/08 B47 41
11/21/08 B04 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/21/08 B10 20
11/21/08 B12 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/21/08 B40 36
11/21/08 B48 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/25/08 B06 27
11/25/08 B19 15
11/25/08 B25 45
11/25/08 B30 43
11/25/08 B36 22
11/25/08 B41 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/28/08 B01 13
11/28/08 B09 49
11/28/08 B21 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
11/28/08 B26 16
11/28/08 B28 37
11/28/08 B44 33
************end of long overdue list *************
Pennsylvania Match 6 Lotto long overdue lottery numbers report
as of 11/28/08 prepared on 12/1/2008
looking at the last 201 lotteries
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Pennsylvania Powerball lotto
Pennsylvania lotto info and reports
Curtis Ness wins SD Wild Card 2 lotto $698,933
Curtis Ness wins SD Wild Card 2 lotto $698,933
Curtis Ness and wife of Brookings claimed his South Dakota jackpot.
He won the 11/15/08 wildcard lotto drawing for a $698,933 jackpot
and has claimed their moneye at the Lottery office in Sioux Falls.
“This is something you dream about, but don’t think is possible,” Curtis said. It’s very exciting. The couple discovered they’d won while on the phone together. Curtis had left his wallet at home and Cheryl checked the ticket with the numbers Curtis read to her. Their disbelief is starting to give way to the reality of winning a jackpot. I feel kind of numb, Cheryl said. It’s not going to change a lot,but will make our future a lot brighter.
Casey’s General Store in Brookings sold this winning lotto ticket.
California State Lottery Commission Public to meet in December
California State Lottery Commission Public to meet in December
The California State Lottery Commission will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, 12/03/08 at 10:00 a.m. at Lottery Headquarters in Sacramento. Members of the public are invited to attend. Lottery Headquarters 600 North 10th Street Sacramento, California.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Mike Byrum wins Tennessee Powerball $800K

Luck-Filled Week End Brings Tennessee Family $800,000!
Mike Byrum was enjoying such a string of good luck during the past few days that he told his best friend he “was going to win the lottery.” Turns out, Mike, of Mt. Juliet, was absolutely correct!
“You just can’t believe how lucky I’ve been,” he said, describing one example of how the price of the gas he was purchasing was lowered just at the moment he began to pump. “This is just incredible. We are truly blessed,” he said of his family, which includes wife Tammy, daughter Brittney and son Dallas.
Mike won the $800K Powerball lotto and used the PowerPlay option when he bought this winner. Mike’s ticket matched 5 of the 5 white balls, which is a $200,000 and 4 as the multiplier, winnings went to $800,000.
Venerando Vazquez hits $52,000 In VA Win For Life lottery
Venerando Vazquez hits $52,000 In VA Win For Life lottery
11/25/08 Venerando Vazquez of Virginia Beach got a surprise when he took his
Win For Life ticket to a Virginia Lottery retailer,
expecting to collect $200 in winnings. But the clerk said he had won too
much for the retailer to pay. This winning ticket matched 5 of the 6 numbers
plus the Free Ball number for the 10/29/08 drawing to win $52,000.
The 7-Eleven store 600 North Birdneck Road in Virginia Beach sold this winning lotto ticket.