New York lotto results / numbers
for Saturday 10/17/2009 03-16-17-36-51-58-26 42
see more NY lotto at
see more NY lotto here
Thoughts and comments on the US Powerball lottery and Mega Millions lotto.Past winning numbers and winning lottery results.
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
Canada 649 Lotto
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
06/06/09 B21 47
06/13/09 B20 19
07/15/09 B16 44
08/08/09 B40 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
08/12/09 B47 49
08/15/09 B31 43
08/19/09 B25 39
08/22/09 B15 38
08/29/09 B37 22
09/02/09 B09 21
09/09/09 B28 30
09/09/09 B44 25
09/12/09 B03 26
09/12/09 B13 27
09/12/09 B48 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/16/09 B41 45
09/16/09 B42 23
09/19/09 B01 40
09/19/09 B07 31
09/23/09 B08 34
09/23/09 B34 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/23/09 B43 37
09/26/09 B06 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/26/09 B18 46
09/26/09 B30 42
09/26/09 B35 36
09/30/09 B10 35
09/30/09 B29 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/30/09 B33 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/30/09 B39 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/03/09 B14 48
10/03/09 B27 29
10/03/09 B32 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/03/09 B45 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/03/09 B49 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/07/09 B02 13
10/07/09 B36 33
10/07/09 B38 24
10/10/09 B05 14
10/10/09 B11 17
10/10/09 B12 15
10/10/09 B23 16
10/10/09 B26 28
10/14/09 B04 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
10/14/09 B17 32
10/14/09 B19 18
10/14/09 B22 20
10/14/09 B24 41
10/14/09 B46 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
************end of long overdue list *************
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Canada 649 lotto
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers
Canada 649 lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B29 31 09/30/09
2 B45 31 10/03/09
3 B04 30 10/14/09
4 B39 30 09/30/09
5 B34 29 09/23/09
6 B06 28 09/26/09
7 B40 28 08/08/09
8 B46 28 10/14/09
9 B49 28 10/03/09
10 B32 27 10/03/09
11 B33 27 09/30/09
12 B48 27 09/12/09
13 B02 26 10/07/09
14 B05 26 10/10/09
15 B12 26 10/10/09
16 B23 26 10/10/09
17 B11 25 10/10/09
18 B19 25 10/14/09
19 B20 25 06/13/09
20 B22 25 10/14/09
21 B09 24 09/02/09
22 B37 24 08/29/09
23 B42 24 09/16/09
24 B38 23 10/07/09
25 B44 23 09/09/09
26 B03 22 09/12/09
27 B13 22 09/12/09
28 B26 22 10/10/09
29 B27 22 10/03/09
30 B28 22 09/09/09
31 B07 21 09/19/09
32 B17 21 10/14/09
33 B36 21 10/07/09
34 B08 20 09/23/09
35 B10 20 09/30/09
36 B35 20 09/26/09
37 B43 20 09/23/09
38 B15 19 08/22/09
39 B25 19 08/19/09
40 B01 18 09/19/09
41 B24 18 10/14/09
42 B30 18 09/26/09
43 B31 18 08/15/09
44 B16 17 07/15/09
45 B41 17 09/16/09
46 B18 16 09/26/09
47 B21 16 06/06/09
48 B14 15 10/03/09
49 B47 12 08/12/09
= end of pop report =
10/14/09 Lisa Wilson hit the New Mexico Powerball for $10,000.
Cliff's Liquors at 903 OLD PECOS TRAIL in SANTA FE sold this winner.
10/17/09 Donna Sutton of Indianapolis hit the first five numbers, but not the Powerball for the 10/14/09 Powerball drawing.
"I checked my numbers online and just lost it," said Sutton. "I was shocked. I just started screaming." The winning numbers were 05-15-25-30-40 PB:6. "I'm going to Disney World," said Sutton. "I've never been and I just want to go."The Crystal Flash store 6308 Oaklandon Road in Indianapolis sold this winning powerball ticket.
10/15/09 $10,000 Powerball Velma Smith of Wagoner hit the OK state 10/13/09 Powerball for $10,000.
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Massachusetts Cash Winfall lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B14 37 10/12/09
2 B13 35 10/15/09
3 B24 33 08/31/09
4 B07 32 10/15/09
5 B17 32 08/20/09
6 B35 32 10/12/09
7 B38 32 10/12/09
8 B03 31 09/28/09
9 B37 31 08/17/09
10 B45 31 10/08/09
11 B01 30 09/28/09
12 B18 30 09/14/09
13 B05 29 10/01/09
14 B16 29 09/24/09
15 B44 29 10/01/09
16 B12 28 10/05/09
17 B21 28 09/24/09
18 B46 28 10/08/09
19 B15 27 09/17/09
20 B22 27 10/15/09
21 B34 27 09/21/09
22 B40 27 10/05/09
23 B41 27 09/21/09
24 B43 27 09/10/09
25 B26 26 08/24/09
26 B25 25 09/24/09
27 B27 25 10/05/09
28 B30 25 10/08/09
29 B19 24 08/03/09
30 B33 24 09/28/09
31 B36 24 09/03/09
32 B11 23 10/15/09
33 B29 23 10/15/09
34 B31 23 10/01/09
35 B02 22 10/15/09
36 B04 22 10/05/09
37 B06 22 10/12/09
38 B08 22 07/30/09
39 B23 22 10/12/09
40 B39 22 10/08/09
41 B09 21 07/23/09
42 B42 21 08/06/09
43 B28 19 06/08/09
44 B20 18 10/12/09
45 B10 17 09/24/09
46 B32 17 10/01/09
= end of pop report =
10/17/09 The winning ticket was sold at Valley’s 601 4th Street in Shenandoah, Virginia. Winning numbers for Friday 10/16/09 10-13-18-33-51 and the Mega Ball number 43.
10/12/09 Charles Lane hits the Missouri Powerball lotto with a quick pick ticket for the 10/7/09 Powerball game.
I’ve been playing for about 11 years,” Lane explained. “I did do my own (numbers),but I thought I’d just get two Quick Pick this time, and that’s what happened.It was the day after the drawing that he realized he held a winning ticket.The Rapid Roberts store 11907 State Highway 13 in Kimberling City sold this winning Powerball ticket.
Mae Davis of Greenfield hit Casino Royale lotto with a scratch-off ticket. The Speedway store at 402 W. Main Street in Greensburg sold this winning ticket.She has no plans to quit her job. "I enjoy driving the kids to school, making sure they get there and get home safe," said Davis. "I love being behind that wheel."
Davis said she like the Indiana lotto, "It gives people hopes and dreams that one day they'll get lucky," said Davis.
10/15/09 Family will share their $250,000 Mega Millions jackpot.
Edward Koban and his son Robert Koban and daughter Lynne matched the first 5 numbers in New York’s Mega Millions drawing held on 10/02/2009. The retired Edward, said he couldn’t believe they won. This is a nice surprise, said Edward. He plans to invest his share of the prize.
The Park Manor Wine / Spirits 800 Hooper Road in Endwell sold this winning NY lotto ticket.
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Oregon MegaBucks Lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B32 50 10/14/09
2 B46 44 10/07/09
3 B22 43 09/09/09
4 B01 42 07/20/09
5 B25 42 10/03/09
6 B44 42 10/12/09
7 B02 41 10/10/09
8 B05 40 10/14/09
9 B09 40 10/10/09
10 B40 40 10/07/09
11 B42 40 09/16/09
12 B23 39 09/21/09
13 B29 39 10/12/09
14 B30 39 09/28/09
15 B36 38 10/05/09
16 B38 38 10/14/09
17 B45 38 10/07/09
18 B47 38 10/03/09
19 B26 37 10/14/09
20 B28 37 08/19/09
21 B39 37 09/30/09
22 B10 36 08/26/09
23 B43 36 09/26/09
24 B19 35 09/26/09
25 B37 35 09/21/09
26 B12 34 10/07/09
27 B18 34 10/03/09
28 B31 34 10/14/09
29 B34 34 09/05/09
30 B41 34 10/12/09
31 B48 34 09/23/09
32 B03 33 10/10/09
33 B11 33 10/10/09
34 B16 33 10/14/09
35 B20 33 10/10/09
36 B06 32 09/30/09
37 B17 32 09/21/09
38 B04 31 10/12/09
39 B21 31 10/05/09
40 B35 30 09/30/09
41 B24 29 09/16/09
42 B33 29 09/21/09
43 B15 28 09/14/09
44 B08 26 10/12/09
45 B14 26 08/17/09
46 B27 26 09/12/09
47 B07 20 09/23/09
48 B13 18 09/16/09
= end of pop report =
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Canada 649 lotto
Canada 649 lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B29 31 09/30/09
2 B45 31 10/03/09
3 B04 30 10/14/09
4 B39 30 09/30/09
5 B34 29 09/23/09
6 B06 28 09/26/09
7 B40 28 08/08/09
8 B46 28 10/14/09
9 B49 28 10/03/09
10 B32 27 10/03/09
11 B33 27 09/30/09
12 B48 27 09/12/09
13 B02 26 10/07/09
14 B05 26 10/10/09
15 B12 26 10/10/09
16 B23 26 10/10/09
17 B11 25 10/10/09
18 B19 25 10/14/09
19 B20 25 06/13/09
20 B22 25 10/14/09
21 B09 24 09/02/09
22 B37 24 08/29/09
23 B42 24 09/16/09
24 B38 23 10/07/09
25 B44 23 09/09/09
26 B03 22 09/12/09
27 B13 22 09/12/09
28 B26 22 10/10/09
29 B27 22 10/03/09
30 B28 22 09/09/09
31 B07 21 09/19/09
32 B17 21 10/14/09
33 B36 21 10/07/09
34 B08 20 09/23/09
35 B10 20 09/30/09
36 B35 20 09/26/09
37 B43 20 09/23/09
38 B15 19 08/22/09
39 B25 19 08/19/09
40 B01 18 09/19/09
41 B24 18 10/14/09
42 B30 18 09/26/09
43 B31 18 08/15/09
44 B16 17 07/15/09
45 B41 17 09/16/09
46 B18 16 09/26/09
47 B21 16 06/06/09
48 B14 15 10/03/09
49 B47 12 08/12/09
= end of pop report =
10/15/09 $31.4 Million Jackpot Won in Wisconsin
One winnner in Wisconsin hit all 6 numbers in the Wednesday, October 14 drawing for a $31.4 million jackpot.
The winning Powerball lotto ticket was sold by The City Limits, N3900 Hwy. 180 in Marinette for the Wednesday Powerball on 10/14/09. Wednesday night’s winning actual winning Powerball numbers
were 05-15-25-30-40 Powerball=06 and the PowerPlay =2.
One winnner in Wisconsin hit all 6 numbers in the Wednesday, October 14 drawing for a $31.4 million jackpot.
That $31,400,000 winning Powerball ticket was sold in Marinette, Wisconsin.
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
California Super Lotto Plus
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B06 41 10/10/09
2 B41 41 09/23/09
3 B18 40 10/07/09
4 B25 40 10/03/09
5 B15 38 07/01/09
6 B29 38 10/03/09
7 B07 37 09/26/09
8 B20 37 09/30/09
9 B36 37 08/29/09
10 B17 36 09/19/09
11 B33 36 09/19/09
12 B23 35 09/30/09
13 B13 34 10/14/09
14 B26 34 10/14/09
15 B31 34 08/08/09
16 B39 34 09/30/09
17 B40 33 08/08/09
18 B34 32 09/26/09
19 B35 32 08/19/09
20 B05 31 09/16/09
21 B21 31 07/11/09
22 B24 31 09/12/09
23 B47 31 09/26/09
24 B02 30 10/10/09
25 B30 30 10/14/09
26 B42 30 09/23/09
27 B08 29 10/07/09
28 B10 29 07/18/09
29 B14 29 08/29/09
30 B22 29 09/23/09
31 B38 29 10/14/09
32 B19 28 07/29/09
33 B27 28 09/09/09
34 B37 28 09/09/09
35 B11 27 10/10/09
36 B44 27 10/07/09
37 B46 27 10/03/09
38 B03 26 07/15/09
39 B04 26 09/30/09
40 B16 26 10/10/09
41 B32 26 08/22/09
42 B12 25 10/14/09
43 B28 24 09/16/09
44 B45 24 10/03/09
45 B01 23 10/07/09
46 B43 23 10/10/09
47 B09 19 09/02/09
= end of pop report =
10/10/09 Odean Smith hits the Illinois Mega Millions lotto for $250,000 in the 8/21/09 drawing of Mega Millions
$12 Million SuperLotto Plus® Ticket Sold in Walnut
Moe’s Liquors store 21180 Golden Spring Drive in Walnut sold this winning California lotto ticket. The winning numbers = 02-06-11-16-43 Mega number = 12.
10/07/09 When Christopher Kitchen discovered he had won $250,000 in Mega Millions, he reread the Virginia Lottery’s Web site at least five times before he actually believed it.
He said he started jumping around for about 15 minutes,I jumped around until the adrenaline rush went away”. He hit the first five numbers in the 9/22/09 Mega Millions drawing. The 7-Eleven store 1100 Independence Blvd. in Virginia Beach sold tis winning lotto ticket. The actual numbers for that drawing were 26-29-33-39-46 Mega Ball=24.
10/02/09 Buffalo Woman claims her $77,039 Dakota Cash Jackpot
Bonnie Schmidt of Buffalo today claimed her $77,039 Dakota Cash jackpot for the Sept. 19, 2009 drawing at the Rapid City Lottery office. The Henderson Oil store in Buffalo sold this winning lotto ticket.