Saturday, October 03, 2009
Powerball winning numbers for 10/03
10/03/2009 12 24 48 50 57 pb=22 3x
see more info data
next Mega Millions jackpot for 10/6 is for $122 million
next Mega Millions jackpot for 10/6 is for $122 million
12 $250K winners matched 5 of 6. Winners were: 2 in Illinois, 2 in Maryland, Michigan, 3 in New Jersey,
3 in New York and 1 in Washington.
Friday, October 02, 2009
megamillions lotto results 10/2/09
10/02/2009 Mega Millions 15-24-51-53-55 gold=11
Rick Adams hits the Cash4 lottery for $10K
Rick Adams hits the Cash4 lottery for $10K
10/01/09 Rick Adams won the arizona CA$H4 game.
The Bashas store at 731 E. Union Hills Dr. in Phoenix sold this winning lotto ticket.
I’ve hit four numbers out of five on Pick 5 so many times,
I figured I could hit the new game CA$H4. I only played it twice before I hit it!
Win For Life data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Win for Life Lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B24 38 09/16/09
2 B39 35 09/23/09
3 B32 33 08/19/09
4 B06 32 09/23/09
5 B40 32 09/12/09
6 B30 30 09/19/09
7 B10 29 09/23/09
8 B21 29 09/30/09
9 B23 29 09/02/09
10 B34 29 09/09/09
11 B41 29 09/26/09
12 B42 29 09/02/09
13 B01 28 07/18/09
14 B02 28 09/30/09
15 B11 28 09/23/09
16 B12 28 08/19/09
17 B13 28 09/26/09
18 B14 28 09/30/09
19 B16 28 09/12/09
20 B19 28 09/12/09
21 B17 27 09/30/09
22 B35 27 09/26/09
23 B09 26 08/22/09
24 B22 26 07/08/09
25 B25 26 09/26/09
26 B07 25 09/19/09
27 B15 25 09/05/09
28 B27 25 09/02/09
29 B37 25 08/29/09
30 B04 24 09/30/09
31 B05 24 09/05/09
32 B20 24 09/09/09
33 B36 24 08/12/09
34 B18 23 07/29/09
35 B29 22 09/26/09
36 B31 22 09/19/09
37 B33 22 09/05/09
38 B26 20 09/19/09
39 B08 18 09/30/09
40 B38 18 09/16/09
41 B28 14 08/22/09
42 B03 13 09/16/09
= end of pop report =
see more Win For Life Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Win For Life lotto
see more lottery reporting and stats at
report for Win For Life generated on10/1/2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
$200K Powerball winner in Murfreesboro
$200K Powerball winner in Murfreesboro
09/30/09 Mike and Helen McQueen picked up their TN Powerball $200,000 winnings. The Kangaroo Express store sold this winning powerball ticket.
Win For Life Lotto data info winlife lottery
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Win for Life Lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B24 38 09/16/09
2 B39 35 09/23/09
3 B32 33 08/19/09
4 B06 32 09/23/09
5 B40 32 09/12/09
6 B30 30 09/19/09
7 B10 29 09/23/09
8 B21 29 09/30/09
9 B23 29 09/02/09
10 B34 29 09/09/09
11 B41 29 09/26/09
12 B42 29 09/02/09
13 B01 28 07/18/09
14 B02 28 09/30/09
15 B11 28 09/23/09
16 B12 28 08/19/09
17 B13 28 09/26/09
18 B14 28 09/30/09
19 B16 28 09/12/09
20 B19 28 09/12/09
21 B17 27 09/30/09
22 B35 27 09/26/09
23 B09 26 08/22/09
24 B22 26 07/08/09
25 B25 26 09/26/09
26 B07 25 09/19/09
27 B15 25 09/05/09
28 B27 25 09/02/09
29 B37 25 08/29/09
30 B04 24 09/30/09
31 B05 24 09/05/09
32 B20 24 09/09/09
33 B36 24 08/12/09
34 B18 23 07/29/09
35 B29 22 09/26/09
36 B31 22 09/19/09
37 B33 22 09/05/09
38 B26 20 09/19/09
39 B08 18 09/30/09
40 B38 18 09/16/09
41 B28 14 08/22/09
42 B03 13 09/16/09
= end of pop report =
see more Win For Life Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Win For Life lotto
see more lottery reporting and stats at
report for Win For Life generated on10/1/2009
TX lottery Texas Lotto
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Texas Lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B26 32 09/30/09
2 B23 29 09/26/09
3 B15 28 09/30/09
4 B17 28 08/22/09
5 B35 28 09/23/09
6 B19 27 09/05/09
7 B39 26 09/30/09
8 B43 26 09/05/09
9 B53 26 09/26/09
10 B22 24 09/26/09
11 B24 24 09/26/09
12 B27 24 09/30/09
13 B28 24 08/22/09
14 B06 23 09/02/09
15 B42 23 09/16/09
16 B12 22 09/09/09
17 B25 22 08/15/09
18 B36 22 09/19/09
19 B02 21 09/30/09
20 B07 21 09/05/09
21 B37 21 09/09/09
22 B41 21 09/16/09
23 B47 21 09/23/09
24 B49 21 08/26/09
25 B50 21 08/08/09
26 B10 20 08/01/09
27 B16 20 09/02/09
28 B21 20 09/26/09
29 B31 20 09/30/09
30 B32 20 06/03/09
31 B04 19 09/12/09
32 B05 19 08/29/09
33 B18 19 08/05/09
34 B20 19 09/19/09
35 B29 19 07/01/09
36 B09 18 05/23/09
37 B30 18 09/12/09
38 B33 18 09/23/09
39 B40 18 09/26/09
40 B51 18 09/02/09
41 B08 17 09/16/09
42 B14 17 09/09/09
43 B38 17 09/05/09
44 B46 16 09/19/09
45 B48 16 07/22/09
46 B54 16 08/15/09
47 B01 15 07/15/09
48 B34 15 06/20/09
49 B13 14 09/23/09
50 B44 14 07/25/09
51 B45 14 09/12/09
52 B11 13 07/08/09
53 B03 12 07/08/09
54 B52 12 08/15/09
= end of pop report =
see more Texas Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Texas Lotto more Texas lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Texas Mega Millions lotto
report for the Texas TX lotto prepared on 10/1/2009
Texas Lottery results and numbers
New Jersey Lotto data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
New Jersey Pick 6 lottery
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B37 36 08/27/09
2 B23 34 08/27/09
3 B15 30 08/27/09
4 B46 29 09/21/09
5 B03 28 07/23/09
6 B08 28 10/01/09
7 B30 28 09/07/09
8 B17 27 09/28/09
9 B26 27 10/01/09
10 B10 26 09/14/09
11 B16 26 09/21/09
12 B20 26 09/17/09
13 B38 26 07/13/09
14 B48 26 09/28/09
15 B02 25 07/09/09
16 B07 25 08/17/09
17 B14 25 08/24/09
18 B21 25 09/03/09
19 B43 25 09/14/09
20 B33 24 09/07/09
21 B47 24 08/03/09
22 B11 23 09/14/09
23 B29 23 08/24/09
24 B35 23 10/01/09
25 B05 22 08/06/09
26 B22 22 08/31/09
27 B36 22 09/28/09
28 B39 22 09/28/09
29 B01 21 09/24/09
30 B04 21 10/01/09
31 B12 21 10/01/09
32 B31 21 09/28/09
33 B09 20 09/03/09
34 B32 20 08/17/09
35 B13 19 09/17/09
36 B19 19 09/24/09
37 B45 19 10/01/09
38 B06 18 07/30/09
39 B25 18 06/29/09
40 B27 18 09/14/09
41 B41 18 09/21/09
42 B18 17 09/14/09
43 B24 17 09/17/09
44 B44 17 08/31/09
45 B34 16 09/24/09
46 B42 16 08/24/09
47 B28 15 04/20/09
48 B40 15 09/21/09
49 B49 11 09/17/09
= end of pop report =
see more New Jersey Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next New Jersey Pick 6 Lotto more New Jersey lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including New Jersey Mega Millions lotto
report for New Jersey Pick lotto prepared on 10/1/2009
see more New Jersey Pick 6 numbers results
Tennessee Lotto Plus data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Tennessee Lotto Plus
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B02 31 09/25/09
2 B42 31 08/28/09
3 B07 28 09/22/09
4 B23 28 09/25/09
5 B10 25 09/18/09
6 B03 24 09/15/09
7 B08 24 07/28/09
8 B25 24 09/29/09
9 B43 24 09/04/09
10 B11 23 09/22/09
11 B17 23 09/08/09
12 B21 23 09/15/09
13 B09 22 09/25/09
14 B20 22 09/22/09
15 B22 22 09/01/09
16 B33 22 08/18/09
17 B40 22 09/25/09
18 B41 22 09/25/09
19 B18 21 09/18/09
20 B26 21 09/08/09
21 B27 21 09/01/09
22 B35 21 09/29/09
23 B38 21 09/04/09
24 B04 20 09/11/09
25 B16 20 09/29/09
26 B06 19 09/15/09
27 B28 19 09/29/09
28 B32 19 09/08/09
29 B12 18 09/11/09
30 B19 18 09/08/09
31 B31 18 08/14/09
32 B01 17 09/08/09
33 B15 17 09/25/09
34 B34 17 09/01/09
35 B05 16 09/29/09
36 B13 16 09/29/09
37 B24 16 09/22/09
38 B36 16 09/04/09
39 B37 16 08/28/09
40 B14 15 07/03/09
41 B30 15 09/11/09
42 B44 15 07/31/09
43 B29 14 08/28/09
44 B39 14 09/18/09
= end of pop report =
see more Tennessee Lotto Plus reporting and stats
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Tennessee Powerball lotto
best of luck in the next Tennessee Lotto Plus
see more lottery reporting and stats at
report for the Tennessee Lotto Plus generated on10/1/2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Missouri Lotto data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Missouri lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B21 38 09/19/09
2 B08 33 09/09/09
3 B42 32 08/22/09
4 B30 31 09/12/09
5 B09 30 09/19/09
6 B16 30 09/19/09
7 B18 30 09/16/09
8 B41 30 09/12/09
9 B05 28 08/22/09
10 B17 28 09/12/09
11 B24 28 09/16/09
12 B34 28 09/05/09
13 B11 27 08/08/09
14 B25 27 09/09/09
15 B26 27 09/26/09
16 B39 27 09/19/09
17 B06 26 09/23/09
18 B12 26 09/26/09
19 B22 26 09/26/09
20 B33 26 09/26/09
21 B20 25 08/08/09
22 B27 25 09/23/09
23 B28 25 07/29/09
24 B37 25 08/26/09
25 B40 25 08/19/09
26 B01 24 06/24/09
27 B31 24 09/26/09
28 B38 24 09/26/09
29 B03 23 08/26/09
30 B04 23 09/02/09
31 B07 23 09/23/09
32 B23 23 09/16/09
33 B32 23 08/19/09
34 B02 22 09/09/09
35 B19 21 08/12/09
36 B43 21 08/22/09
37 B35 19 09/19/09
38 B13 18 09/19/09
39 B15 18 09/16/09
40 B44 18 09/05/09
41 B10 17 09/09/09
42 B29 17 08/15/09
43 B14 16 09/23/09
44 B36 15 08/29/09
= end of pop report =
see more Missouri Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Missouri lotto and Powerball lottery more Missouri lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Missouri lotto
report for Missouri state Lotto prepared on 9/30/2009
Michigan Classic 47 lotto
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Michigan Classic 47 lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B16 34 09/26/09
2 B04 32 08/12/09
3 B07 32 09/19/09
4 B37 32 09/05/09
5 B43 32 08/29/09
6 B05 31 07/25/09
7 B40 30 09/26/09
8 B39 29 08/26/09
9 B21 28 09/23/09
10 B19 27 09/05/09
11 B20 26 09/23/09
12 B35 26 09/23/09
13 B03 25 09/16/09
14 B11 25 08/26/09
15 B30 25 09/09/09
16 B34 25 09/09/09
17 B41 25 09/26/09
18 B26 24 08/29/09
19 B36 24 09/12/09
20 B38 24 09/19/09
21 B06 23 09/09/09
22 B18 23 09/12/09
23 B23 23 08/01/09
24 B32 23 08/05/09
25 B42 23 07/18/09
26 B46 23 09/12/09
27 B15 22 09/26/09
28 B17 22 08/08/09
29 B22 22 09/05/09
30 B24 22 09/23/09
31 B02 21 09/26/09
32 B28 21 08/15/09
33 B31 21 08/29/09
34 B33 21 09/16/09
35 B01 20 07/01/09
36 B08 20 09/23/09
37 B25 20 09/19/09
38 B09 19 08/22/09
39 B47 19 09/26/09
40 B14 18 09/16/09
41 B44 18 08/19/09
42 B10 17 09/19/09
43 B13 16 09/05/09
44 B27 16 04/22/09
45 B45 16 09/05/09
46 B29 15 07/11/09
47 B12 12 05/23/09
= end of pop report =
see more Michigan Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Michigan lotto
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Michigan Mega Millions lotto
report for Michigan state Lotto prepared on 9/30/2009
see more Michigan lotto numbers results numbers
Ohio Classic Lotto data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Ohio Classic Lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B06 45 09/23/09
2 B37 43 09/28/09
3 B19 41 09/19/09
4 B13 40 09/09/09
5 B39 40 09/28/09
6 B02 39 09/16/09
7 B03 38 09/21/09
8 B07 38 09/23/09
9 B11 38 09/07/09
10 B34 38 09/26/09
11 B43 38 09/14/09
12 B17 37 09/26/09
13 B22 37 09/05/09
14 B15 36 09/19/09
15 B27 36 08/17/09
16 B46 36 09/23/09
17 B05 35 09/28/09
18 B33 35 09/02/09
19 B49 35 09/26/09
20 B04 34 09/28/09
21 B21 34 08/19/09
22 B29 34 08/12/09
23 B42 34 09/23/09
24 B18 33 09/28/09
25 B31 33 09/14/09
26 B38 33 08/24/09
27 B40 33 09/21/09
28 B44 33 09/16/09
29 B48 33 08/31/09
30 B20 32 09/12/09
31 B25 32 09/05/09
32 B36 32 08/05/09
33 B10 31 09/19/09
34 B14 31 09/23/09
35 B16 31 07/11/09
36 B24 31 09/19/09
37 B30 31 09/02/09
38 B35 30 08/31/09
39 B45 30 09/21/09
40 B09 29 09/28/09
41 B28 29 08/19/09
42 B32 29 09/16/09
43 B41 29 08/31/09
44 B26 28 05/11/09
45 B01 26 09/26/09
46 B12 26 09/26/09
47 B47 25 08/15/09
48 B08 24 09/26/09
49 B23 23 09/12/09
= end of pop report =
see more Ohio Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next Ohio Classic lotto more Ohio lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Mega Millions lotto
report for Ohio Classic Lotto prepared on 9/30/2009
here's a list of hottest /coldest Ohio Classic lotto numbers
OH lotto,ohio lotto,ohio classic lotto,ohio lottery,ohlotto,oh lottery
UK thunderball Lotto data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers
for the UK Thunderball lotto
UK Thunderball lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B10 57 09/19/09
2 B11 54 09/30/09
3 B32 52 08/19/09
4 B13 50 09/26/09
5 B28 49 09/02/09
6 B14 48 09/30/09
7 B01 47 09/30/09
8 B03 47 07/29/09
9 B19 47 07/22/09
10 B08 46 09/30/09
11 B09 46 09/16/09
12 B31 46 09/30/09
13 B06 45 08/12/09
14 B29 45 09/12/09
15 B33 44 08/15/09
16 B05 41 09/12/09
17 B26 41 09/26/09
18 B27 40 09/12/09
19 B07 39 09/05/09
20 B20 39 08/12/09
21 B34 39 09/23/09
22 B04 38 09/19/09
23 B12 38 09/19/09
24 B15 38 09/23/09
25 B24 38 09/23/09
26 B25 38 08/26/09
27 B30 38 09/16/09
28 B16 37 08/19/09
29 B21 37 09/05/09
30 B23 37 09/26/09
31 B18 35 09/16/09
32 B22 35 09/16/09
33 B02 33 08/19/09
34 B17 31 09/23/09
= end of pop report =
see more UK Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next UK Thunderball lotto more UK national lotto reports
see more lottery info, reporting and stats at
report for UK Thunderball Lotto prepared on 9/30/2009
UK Lotto 6 data info stats
UK 6 national lotto
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B39 34 09/09/09
2 B09 33 08/29/09
3 B23 30 09/23/09
4 B31 29 09/19/09
5 B24 27 09/12/09
6 B02 26 09/30/09
7 B03 26 09/26/09
8 B10 26 09/30/09
9 B27 26 09/02/09
10 B32 26 09/26/09
11 B40 26 09/26/09
12 B17 25 09/26/09
13 B28 25 09/30/09
14 B29 25 07/15/09
15 B35 25 09/09/09
16 B37 25 08/29/09
17 B33 24 09/19/09
18 B38 24 07/25/09
19 B11 23 09/09/09
20 B15 23 09/30/09
21 B18 23 09/19/09
22 B30 23 09/12/09
23 B01 22 08/05/09
24 B26 22 09/05/09
25 B34 22 09/16/09
26 B41 22 09/30/09
27 B45 22 09/19/09
28 B04 21 09/02/09
29 B06 21 08/01/09
30 B42 21 06/27/09
31 B43 21 09/26/09
32 B05 20 09/26/09
33 B12 20 09/05/09
34 B44 20 09/16/09
35 B48 20 09/16/09
36 B08 19 07/25/09
37 B14 19 07/04/09
38 B22 19 09/05/09
39 B25 19 09/23/09
40 B36 19 09/30/09
41 B13 18 07/29/09
42 B16 18 08/15/09
43 B46 18 09/23/09
44 B49 18 08/01/09
45 B20 17 09/19/09
46 B21 17 08/12/09
47 B47 17 09/23/09
48 B07 16 09/02/09
49 B19 16 09/05/09
= end of pop report =
see more UK Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next UK 6 National lotto more UK national lotto reports
see more lottery info, reporting and stats at
report for UK 6 National Lotto prepared on 9/30/2009
Indiana Hoosier Lottery info data
see a list of the long overdue lotto numbers for the
Indiana Hoosier Lottery
Long Overdue Report
Last Date with Popularity Ranking
Drawn Ball# Pop Ranking
06/17/09 B31 22
07/01/09 B09 39
07/15/09 B35 42
07/22/09 B39 37
07/25/09 B16 36
07/29/09 B07 11 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
08/01/09 B11 44
08/05/09 B19 5 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
08/05/09 B26 34
08/08/09 B14 18
08/12/09 B33 6 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
08/15/09 B15 45
08/15/09 B40 7 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
08/19/09 B04 28
08/22/09 B10 2 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
08/22/09 B25 13
08/26/09 B01 17
08/26/09 B36 48
08/26/09 B44 26
09/02/09 B06 10 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/05/09 B46 32
09/05/09 B47 27
09/09/09 B12 40
09/09/09 B28 20
09/09/09 B32 23
09/09/09 B42 4 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/09/09 B45 38
09/12/09 B24 41
09/12/09 B34 47
09/12/09 B37 24
09/16/09 B03 8 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/16/09 B13 33
09/16/09 B18 46
09/16/09 B43 1 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/19/09 B05 9 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/19/09 B21 19
09/19/09 B38 14
09/19/09 B41 25
09/23/09 B22 15
09/23/09 B23 30
09/23/09 B29 31
09/23/09 B48 21
09/26/09 B02 43
09/26/09 B08 29
09/26/09 B17 3 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/26/09 B20 12 * ranks in top 12 hottest *
09/26/09 B27 35
09/26/09 B30 16
************end of long overdue list *************
Indiana Hoosier Lottery long overdue lotto numbers report
as of 09/26/09 prepared on 9/30/2009
looking at the last 182 lotteries
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Indiana Powerball lotto more Indiana Lottery reports
see more Indiana Hoosier lotto numbers results numbers
here's a list of long overdue Indiana Hoosier Lottery numbers for the last 182 lotteries
Indiana Hoosier Lottery,Indiana lotto,Indiana Lottery,IN lotto,IN lottery,in Hoosier numbers
more MegaMillions Lotto data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
Mega Millions lottery
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B46 45 09/22/09
2 B48 43 09/11/09
3 B52 43 09/25/09
4 B05 42 08/18/09
5 B12 42 08/25/09
6 B53 42 09/01/09
7 B25 41 09/29/09
8 B36 41 09/18/09
9 B14 40 06/23/09
10 B24 40 07/28/09
11 B35 40 09/15/09
12 B39 40 09/22/09
13 B51 40 09/01/09
14 B02 39 09/29/09
15 B09 39 09/01/09
16 B42 39 09/25/09
17 B16 38 09/11/09
18 B40 38 08/25/09
19 B43 38 07/24/09
20 B44 38 09/04/09
21 B07 37 09/25/09
22 B17 37 08/28/09
23 B22 37 08/25/09
24 B13 36 06/02/09
25 B27 36 09/25/09
26 B30 36 09/15/09
27 B31 36 09/18/09
28 B21 35 09/29/09
29 B26 35 09/22/09
30 B29 35 09/22/09
31 B38 35 08/21/09
32 B18 34 09/18/09
33 B32 34 09/15/09
34 B04 33 09/08/09
35 B15 33 08/11/09
36 B19 33 08/25/09
37 B20 33 07/14/09
38 B50 33 09/29/09
39 B56 33 08/18/09
40 B45 32 09/29/09
41 B54 32 09/11/09
42 B01 31 08/28/09
43 B11 31 07/03/09
44 B33 31 09/22/09
45 B03 30 08/25/09
46 B28 30 09/08/09
47 B55 30 06/30/09
48 B08 29 08/14/09
49 B10 29 09/08/09
50 B34 29 08/04/09
51 B49 27 09/25/09
52 B23 26 05/29/09
53 B37 26 08/28/09
54 B41 26 09/15/09
55 B06 25 09/04/09
56 B47 22 07/17/09
= end of pop report =
see more MegaMillions Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next MegaMillions Lotto more MegaMillions lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including the Powerball lotto
report for the MegaMillions lotto prepared on 9/30/2009
Megamillions numbers results
next Mega Millions lotto jackpot for 10/2 is for $105 million

next Mega Millions jackpot for 10/2 is for $105 million
8 winners hit 5 of 6 numbers for that $250K cash jackpot, winners were in
California, 2 in Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio and Virginia.
see more megamillions info data here
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
winning megamillions lotto numbers 9/29/09
09/29/2009 Mega Millions 02-21-25-45-50 gold =21
Monday, September 28, 2009
more New Jersey Cash 5 Lotto data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
New Jersey Cash 5 lottery
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B32 97 09/28/09
2 B40 97 09/25/09
3 B13 91 09/27/09
4 B18 91 09/22/09
5 B01 90 09/18/09
6 B03 87 09/25/09
7 B14 87 09/28/09
8 B36 87 09/28/09
9 B10 86 09/27/09
10 B26 86 08/23/09
11 B33 85 09/21/09
12 B22 83 09/19/09
13 B25 83 09/25/09
14 B37 83 09/27/09
15 B38 83 09/24/09
16 B04 82 09/27/09
17 B31 82 09/20/09
18 B24 81 09/20/09
19 B35 81 09/18/09
20 B02 79 09/23/09
21 B11 79 09/28/09
22 B15 79 09/16/09
23 B16 79 09/24/09
24 B39 79 09/26/09
25 B17 78 09/25/09
26 B19 78 09/01/09
27 B28 78 09/16/09
28 B21 75 09/06/09
29 B06 74 09/23/09
30 B30 73 09/25/09
31 B20 72 09/22/09
32 B05 71 09/20/09
33 B09 70 09/28/09
34 B27 70 09/20/09
35 B29 69 09/26/09
36 B08 68 09/27/09
37 B34 68 09/19/09
38 B12 67 09/24/09
39 B23 67 09/22/09
40 B07 65 09/03/09
= end of pop report =
see more New Jersey Cash 5 Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next New Jersey Cash 5 Lotto more New Jersey lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including New Jersey Mega Millions lotto
report for New Jersey Cash 5 lotto prepared on 9/28/2009
more New Jersey Pick 6 Lotto data info
see the hottest/coldest lotto numbers for the
New Jersey Pick 6 lottery
Popularity Report
Hot numbers ???
times Last
Ranking Number occurred hit on
1 B37 36 08/27/09
2 B23 34 08/27/09
3 B15 30 08/27/09
4 B46 29 09/21/09
5 B03 28 07/23/09
6 B30 28 09/07/09
7 B08 27 09/28/09
8 B17 27 09/28/09
9 B10 26 09/14/09
10 B16 26 09/21/09
11 B20 26 09/17/09
12 B26 26 09/24/09
13 B38 26 07/13/09
14 B48 26 09/28/09
15 B02 25 07/09/09
16 B07 25 08/17/09
17 B14 25 08/24/09
18 B21 25 09/03/09
19 B43 25 09/14/09
20 B33 24 09/07/09
21 B47 24 08/03/09
22 B11 23 09/14/09
23 B29 23 08/24/09
24 B05 22 08/06/09
25 B22 22 08/31/09
26 B35 22 09/10/09
27 B36 22 09/28/09
28 B39 22 09/28/09
29 B01 21 09/24/09
30 B31 21 09/28/09
31 B04 20 09/07/09
32 B09 20 09/03/09
33 B12 20 08/27/09
34 B32 20 08/17/09
35 B13 19 09/17/09
36 B19 19 09/24/09
37 B06 18 07/30/09
38 B25 18 06/29/09
39 B27 18 09/14/09
40 B41 18 09/21/09
41 B45 18 08/13/09
42 B18 17 09/14/09
43 B24 17 09/17/09
44 B44 17 08/31/09
45 B34 16 09/24/09
46 B42 16 08/24/09
47 B28 15 04/20/09
48 B40 15 09/21/09
49 B49 11 09/17/09
= end of pop report =
see more New Jersey Lotto reporting and stats
best of luck in the next New Jersey Pick 6 Lotto more New Jersey lotto reports
see more lottery reporting and stats at
including New Jersey Mega Millions lotto
report for New Jersey Pick lotto prepared on 9/28/2009
$10K Powerball winner in De Soto Kansas
$10K Powerball winner in De Soto Kansas
Mark Kreutzer of De Soto resident won $10,000 cash prize in Kansas Powerball on 09/19/09 I buy Powerball tickets for every Wednesday and Saturday drawing ,Kreutzer said.
Once Kreutzer settled down, he called his wife and neighbors to share the news. The Meiners’ Market 34200 Commerce Dr. in De Soto sold this winning Kanss lotto ticket.
$200K Powerball lotto winner in Watertown Connecticut
$200K Powerball lotto winner in Watertown
Ron Peterson of Watertown hits Connecticut Powerball winner $200,000
While making a stop for coffee bought some lotto tickets
Peterson, chose his own numbers for this CT Powerball on 9/9/09 drawing.
I work in statistics…I have my own way of keeping track of numbers, playing different ones each drawing,
Peterson said with a laugh.
Peterson successfully matched the numbers drawn.
The Gulf Food Mart 30 Reidville Drive in Waterbury sold this winning CT Powerball ticket